Exeter, Devon

CommsUpdate is TeleGeography's free daily summary of the top telecom news stories globally, delivered by email, Twitter, and TeleGeography's website to over 16,000 subscribers around the world. Born out of desk research for TeleGeography's GlobalComms Database Service, CommsUpdate is produced by TeleGeography’s team based in the historic city of Exeter, in Devon, England.


The number of CommsUpdate articles produced over the course of a year has grown steadily. Between January and December of 2013, 6,037 articles were written, compared to 5,150 the year before. CommsUpdate pageviews have grown in close step with the number of articles produced since 2011, when we began tracking pageviews.

Big News Days

Biggest news week Feb 18–22, 2013

148 Articles

Biggest news day Oct 31, 2013

40 Articles

Biggest news day on average


Biggest news month on average


Global Coverage

The first CommsUpdate article on December 20,
2002 covered Orange’s departure from the Swedish market. During its first year, CommsUpdate covered a total of 134 countries. To date, the news service covers 238 countries and territories, throughout all corners of the world.


Countries & Territories

Click a country for a list of related articles

United States

by Country

Since 2011, the United States has accounted for most CommsUpdate pageviews, followed closely by the United Kingdom. India is a distant third.

Follow Us On Twitter


Our First Tweet April 28, 2011

Rogers launching LTE in four cities this year

Tweets May 30, 2014


Followers May 30, 2014



Each CommsUpdate article is tagged with one or more keywords including “Mergers & Acquisitions,” “Corporate & Financial,” and “Broadband.” These tags make it easy to filter CommsUpdate’s massive archive. Using these keywords, one can also observe the rise and fall of prevailing telecommunications technologies over time. For example, in 2010, articles tagged with the keyword “WiMAX” gave way to “LTE” as the latter gained wider and faster adoption than the former.

Musical Telecom News


Contact Us

TeleGeography, A Division of PriMetrica, Inc.
3 Colleton Crescent, Exeter, Devon. EX2 4DG, United Kingdom
t. +44 1392 315567


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